Parameter Information



Description of parameters, including dimension and structure


#> $parm
#>              parm   type    str       dim
#> 1           betag  Fixed Matrix    Kg,G-1
#> 2           betad  Fixed  Array    Kd,J,G
#> 3          betapz  Fixed  Array     M,J,G
#> 4           theta  Fixed Matrix       J,G
#> 5          thetaf  Fixed Matrix       J,G
#> 6  logit_corr_fix  Fixed Matrix (J^2-J)/2
#> 7         ld_rand  Fixed Matrix      Fr,G
#> 8           ld_sp  Fixed Matrix      Fs,G
#> 9        Hg_input  Fixed Matrix     2,G-1
#> 10       Hd_input  Fixed  Array     2,J,G
#> 11     ln_kappa_g  Fixed Vector       G-1
#> 12     ln_kappa_d  Fixed Matrix       J,G
#> 13       ln_tau_d  Fixed Matrix       J,G
#> 14     logit_rhog  Fixed Vector       G-1
#> 15     logit_rhod  Fixed Matrix       J,G
#> 16     ln_sigmaup  Fixed Vector       G-1
#> 17     ln_sigmaep  Fixed Matrix       J,G
#> 18      ln_sigmav  Fixed Matrix      Fr,G
#> 19     upsilon_tg Random  Array     T,G-1
#> 20    epsilon_tjg Random  Array     T,J,G
#> 21          v_ifg Random  Array  N,J/Fr,G
#> 22       Gamma_vg Random  Array     N,G-1
#> 23      Omega_vfg Random  Array  V,J/Fs,G
#>                                                     descr
#> 1                           Gating covariate coefficients
#> 2                           Expert covariate coefficients
#> 3                   Zero-inflation covariate coefficients
#> 4                Observation variance terms (natural log)
#> 5                Tweedie power parameter (adjusted logit)
#> 6            Observation multivariate correlation (logit)
#> 7                  Overdispersion rank reduction loadings
#> 8                         Spatial rank reduction loadings
#> 9                      Anisotropy terms in spatial gating
#> 10                     Anisotropy terms in spatial expert
#> 11                     Spatial gating decay (natural log)
#> 12                     Spatial expert decay (natural log)
#> 13                 Spatial expert precision (natural log)
#> 14                    Temporal gating correlation (logit)
#> 15                    Temporal expert correlation (logit)
#> 16                 Temporal gating variance (natural log)
#> 17                 Temporal expert variance (natural log)
#> 18 Overdispersion expert standard deviation (natural log)
#> 19                          Temporal gating random effect
#> 20                          Temporal expert random effect
#> 21                    Overdispersion expert random effect
#> 22                           Spatial gating random effect
#> 23                           Spatial expert random effect
#> $key
#>    dim                                  descr
#> 1   Fr         Rank reduction on random error
#> 2   Fs      Rank reduction on spatial effects
#> 3    G                     Number of clusters
#> 4    J      Number of columns in the response
#> 5   Kd         Number of covariates in gating
#> 6   Kg         Number of covariates in expert
#> 7    M Number of covariates in zero inflation
#> 8    N Number of observations in the response
#> 9    T        Number of unique temporal units
#> 10   V             Number of vertices in mesh
#> $note
#> $note[[1]]
#> [1] "ln_sigma_v not estimated - fixed to ln(1)"